Kissing Club

"Kissing Club" is four friends trying to become the next Beatles. Or Radiohead. Or Seekers. Really whatever Randy says. This humble little band of unugly teenagers consists of pencil-neck frontman Ryonosuke "Randy Tuna" Tsunoda on rhythm guitar/lead vocals, the at-a-glance impassive coconut-head Kurino "Queenie" Kitagawa on bass guitar/both backing and lead vocals, and also composition, the obnoxiously jubilant and optimistic talking pair of dentures that is Joey Rodham Loveshoes, and the iconic living sock Nino 1 on drums and percussion. Oh, and how could we forget dear Lark?

Other characters that accompany our heroes on their journey to stardom include Toby G. Grumps, the most attractive and popular girl in school, who also happens to be an old friend of Randy's, Vercingetorix Seymour, a big girl with an even bigger heart, and lastly, the seemingly impenetrable, and unpredictable Earline, whom Queenie is more interested in finding a way back into her heart than being in Randy's band......